Mesra Business and Resort Hotel, Samarinda.
November 13, 2018 – November 14, 2018
Food and energy security has become the most interconnected problem faced by humankind in this century due to the growing population of people and industrial activity. Providing adequate quantity and quality of food for such a large population highlights the challenges point of our food production system. In respond to discuss the problem, Faculty of Agriculture, Mulawarman University takes great pleasure in welcoming you to join for International Conference on Tropical Agrifood, Feed, and Fuel (ICTAFF) 2018 that scheduled at 13-14th November in Mesra Business and Resort Hotel, Samarinda. This international conference is aimed to connect the ideas in resolving problems and bring together scientists, researchers, professionals, and students from multidisciplinary agriculture-related field to share the latest findings or ongoing research activities.

The theme of the conference is “Sustainability of Tropical Food, Feed, and Fuel Tropical Resources for Quality Future”. There are 6 sub themes will be addressed in invited talks and submission of papers:
- Halal, safe, and healthy food
- Improving quality food and nutrition
- Security and sustainability food and agriculture
- Innovation in feed technology to increase animal production
- Sustainable and renewable fuels based on tropical resources
- Empowering of agribusiness based on community.
Advisory Board:
- Dr. Ir. Rusdiansyah, M.Si
- Prof. Dr. Bernatal Saragih, S.P., M.Si
- Nurul Puspita Palupi, S.P.,M.Si
- Dr. H. Achmad Zaini, S.P.,M.Si
Steering committe
- Prof. Dr.oec.troph. Ir. Krishna Purnawan Candra, M.S.
- Prof. Dr. Bernatal Saragih, M.Si.
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Juraemi, M.Si.
Scientific committe
- Sulistyo Prabowo, S.TP., M.P., MPH., PhD
- Dr. Anton Rahmadi, S.TP., M.Sc.
- Dr. Ir. Taufan Purwokusumaning Daru, MP
- Ir. Sopialena, M.P., Ph.D
- Dr. sc.agr.,Nurhasanah, S.P., M.Si.
- Dr. Achmad Zaini, SP., M.Si
- Widi Sunaryo, S.P., M.Si., Ph.D.
Organizing Committee
- Dr. Aswita Emmawati, M.Si.
- Fikri Ardhani, S.KH., M.Sc.
- Marwati, S.TP., M.P.
Financial and Treasury:
- Dra. Yuliani, M.P.
- Dr. Ir. Hj. Ellok Sulichantini, M.Si.
- Dr. Rabiatul Jannah, S.P., M.P
Program Manager:
- Maulida Rachmawati, S.P., M.P.
Logistic and Acommodation:
- Dr. Hadi Pranoto, S.P., M.P
- Elisa Maulidya Saputri, S.TP., M.Sc.
©Copyright Agroekoteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mulawarman